Free Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale Get Results Instantly | Mind Space

Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale Quiz


Kindly carefully read each question and choose the response that most accurately represents how much you can relate to the statement. To obtain a true self-evaluation, give each question careful thought and provide an honest response. With the use of this questionnaire, you may investigate possible anxiety disorders, panic attacks, anxiety syndromes, or the necessity of receiving therapy for anxiety and sadness.

Consider your experiences from the previous two weeks and the frequency of various concerns bothering you as you answer the questionnaire. Your answers can give you important information about your mental health and assist you in determining if you would benefit from getting professional assistance. Keep in mind that this is merely a tool to assist you in reflecting on your emotions, ideas, and actions; it is not a Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic tool but can still provide valuable insights into your mental state.


This test should not be used in place of expert diagnosis or guidance. Please refrain from making your diagnoses based only on your score. Should your findings indicate the possibility of a mental health issue, including panic disorder, anxiety attacks, or bipolar disorder, please get in touch with a specialist right away. A mental health specialist can offer a thorough evaluation and talk about methods to enhance your well-being. Remember, while this tool can help you reflect on your mental health, it is not a substitute for a professional Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic.