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Emotional Intelligence Quiz

Developing Your Emotional Intelligence to Boost People's Skills

Everyone knows someone excellent at managing their emotions. They can read and react to others' emotions well, remain composed in stressful situations, and make delicate decisions. These individuals have a high level of emotional intelligence (EI). They forge solid bonds with others, take charge of challenging circumstances with ease, and persevere in the face of difficulty. How emotionally intelligent are you, and what steps can you take to hone this important ability further? Find out right now!


Consider each sentence in light of your true actions and emotions rather than how you believe you ought to be. By completing this self-assessment, you will gain insight into areas for improvement and a better understanding of your current emotional intelligence level. Gaining a high degree of emotional intelligence can greatly improve your people


This test is not a substitute for any professional advice/diagnosis. Please do not self-diagnose yourself on the basis of the scores obtained. If your results indicate the presence of a mental health concern, please consult a professional at the earliest. A mental health professional will be able to do a detailed assessment and discuss ways to feel better.