PICA - symptoms and details

Meena has an issue where she craves and eats non-food items like soap, paint, and dirt. Her PICA diagnosis was made.

Although pica is more common in young children than in adults, it can also happen during pregnancy. Sometimes cravings for things other than food are brought on by a deficiency of nutrients.

What is PICA?

The disease known as pica is characterized by a chronic ingestion of non-food substances. Although it can happen to adults, it is more frequently observed in youngsters. People who have pica may consume things like soap, paper, clay, or dirt. Pica can be risky since some of these non-food objects contain poisons that might make you sick or choke you, or they can cause other damage.

Although the precise etiology of pica is unknown, potential causes include dietary deficiencies, underlying medical disorders, and cultural customs. In addition, pica may be a sign of developmental abnormalities like autism or a side effect of some drugs.

Getting medical help is crucial if you or someone you know is experiencing pica. The underlying etiology of pica will determine the course of treatment. In certain situations, the issue may be resolved by treating any underlying medical issues or addressing any dietary inadequacies. In other situations, counseling could be required to treat any underlying behavioral or psychological problems.

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