Buy credits for instant live call with Counsellor on phone | Mind Space

Buy credits for phone call session
(Works in India with Indian mobile numbers only)

Minimum balance of ₹60 is required.

Your current balance is ₹{"error":"Invalid request"}.

Select Amount

Key points to note:

Credits have 1 year validity and can be used to consult with any of our counsellors.

Session will be via a phone call.

Minimum time unit is 1 minute. Eg 25 secs call means 1 minute billing, 9 mins 12 secs call mean 10 minutes billing and so on.

Amount will be cut when both you and counsellor join the call.

Start your live sessions at your convenience.

Bonus credits applicable only for phone session.

Phone call ends automatically once credits are consumed even when on call.

There is no refund for credits.

Benefits to look forward to from sessions:

Increased self-awareness

Improved coping skills

Increased emotional regulation

Improved relationships

Problem-solving skills

Increased self-esteem

Improved mental and physical health

Read this article to understand about therapy sessions and how they work.