Mind Space Community Message
Profile Picture XyotXXgupXa | Author
- I don't know what is happening to me. Inside, I feel so much anger that I could do anything to myself. My mind is restless and not at peace. I've become addicted to my phone and don't feel like doing any work. Even when I put my phone away,
2024-08-22 01:12:50

Profile Picture Uma | Counselling Psychologist
Dear jyoti ji, there could be many reasons for this type of feelings and thoughts. Let's connect on video session so that we can discuss it with more details and find out some solution... Please do it ASAP..
2024-08-22 21:03:13

Profile Picture Priyancka Srivastava | Listener
There could be many external or internal factors contributing to you feeling like this. The most important thing is that you are not alone in feeling this way. I think you should try to find the source of what is triggering your anger/thoughts of self harm. Putting your phone away can be challenging, considering that a large majority of us spend time on our phones through the day. Maybe it might help to try and consume different content that helps you learn something new? You could also try mindfulness meditation or breathing techniques to help you feel more at ease
2024-08-25 13:32:12

Profile Picture Dr Kavya Jagadeesh Vaggar | Psychiatrist
Hello Jyothi ji.. What I understand by words is that you must be troubled by some ongoing stressors which you are unable to "cope with" nor able to "vent it out" which is making you restless and anxious. Phone addiction might be just your way to distract yourself from your problems and overthinking. But you know it's not solving your issues. I suggest you to seek help of mental health professional to help you deal with it as it might lead you to anxiety issues if not addressed at early stages. I advise you to stick to routine and engage yourself in healthy activities and keep your mind occupied with something useful and not to keep it idle.
2024-08-25 14:15:00

Profile Picture Dr Shalini Gupta | Counselling Psychologist
Dont worry this is the commonest problem in this era .You consult me I will give you suggestions
2024-08-25 18:59:17

Profile Picture Vandana Sharma | Counselling Psychologist
Dear Jyoti, sounds like youre experiencing a lot of distress and restlessness right now. Its important to address these feelings and get the support you need.Try to recognize what triggers your anger and restlessness. Sometimes, understanding what sets off these emotions can help you manage them better. Journaling or speaking with a therapist can be useful for this.While it can be challenging, setting specific times for phone use and taking regular breaks can help reduce dependency. Do connect for therapies. Take care
2024-08-27 10:58:57

Profile Picture Dr Sapna Zarwal | Counselling Psychologist
I must appreciate you.At least you took the first step of raising this question to yourself and looking for help.There is something you are trying to Avoid in your life and to distract yourself.You are using these means.It is important to understand the root cause for this therapy can definitely help you .happy healing
2024-08-28 08:39:17

Profile Picture Somya Verma | Counselling Psychologist
Have you noticed when these feelings started, or if anything might have triggered them? It sounds like you're going through a lot right now, especially with the anger and restlessness you're feeling. Being stuck in an endless phone usage cycle, must be really draining too.You dont have to go through this alone. If youre ready, we can talk about whats going on and find some ways to regain balance. Feel free to book a sessionI'm here for you.
2024-09-06 10:17:41

Profile Picture Irshad MD | Counselling Psychologist
Hi Jyoti, without proper details, it's difficult to find a root cause. But from what you shared I assume that you're addicted to smartphone which is becoming common nowadays. I really appreciate that you're aware of it and ready to seek a professional help. You will be needed at least a session to find the core beliefs and to plan a proper therapy. If it's taking toll on you, please consult a psychologist for improving quality of life.
2024-09-10 13:12:08

Profile Picture Samiksha Gandhi | Counselling Psychologist
Hi Jyoti,I'm really sorry you're feeling this way. It sounds like you're going through a very tough time emotionally. The anger, restlessness, and phone addiction you're experiencing might be your minds way of coping with stress or underlying feelings. Reaching out for support can make a big difference you dont have to handle this alone. Feel free to express your emotion with us.
2024-09-12 13:55:13