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Profile Picture Anonymous | Author
How to not get attached with a person and dont get anxiety when thinking about the person leaving me
2023-08-18 14:44:04

Profile Picture Pratibha Borah | Clinical Psychologist
Firstly ll have to work on yourself. It has nothing to do with getting attached to someone or getting seperated. Once you know the triggers of your anxiety and the negative thoughts producing the anxiousness you will be able to come out of it
2023-08-18 18:09:06

Profile Picture Malika Maram | Counselling Psychologist
Dear Anonymous User,Here's a simple way to handle attachment and anxiety in relationships. Know your attachment style, stay present using calming methods, challenge worrisome thoughts about someone leaving, set healthy boundaries, take care of yourself, lean on supportive people, consider professional help if needed, talk openly with your partner, find balance between relying on others and self-care, and remember, it's okay to feel attached or anxious accepting these feelings helpsI realise this question may not have a simple answer. Consider scheduling a session for a more in-depth discussion of this situation. Wishing you profound healing ahead.
2023-08-18 19:12:36

Profile Picture Deeksha Sethi | Clinical Psychologist
Hi there!Its a basic human nature that we feel sad when someone leaves but we need to understand and accept some bitter truths timely.Along with the attachment with somebody there's a feeling being served and when that person leaves so that space gets empty.1. Be prepared for the fact & to accept that nobody can stay with each other for long 2. When being anxious thinking about another person (Do journaling/Mindful training etc)Seek professional help so that it can be dealt effectively because it my make you fall into mood disturbances and anxious cyclic patterns.Do reach to seek help out whenever you are ready :)Take care!
2023-08-19 00:48:58

Profile Picture Deeksha Sethi | Clinical Psychologist
Hi there!Its a basic human nature that we feel sad when someone leaves but we need to understand and accept some bitter truths timely.Along with the attachment with somebody there's a feeling being served and when that person leaves so that space gets empty.1. Be prepared for the fact & to accept that nobody can stay with each other for long 2. When being anxious thinking about another person (Do journaling/Mindful training etc)Seek professional help so that it can be dealt effectively because it may make you fall into mood disturbances and anxious cyclic patterns.Do reach to seek help out whenever you are ready :)Take care!
2023-08-19 00:49:50

Profile Picture Meena Mudaliyar | Counselling Psychologist
I hope things are better now. Would like to know .See if you are getting attached thats normal but it is going long and with every one it means possibly can be habit forming , chuldhood history or feeling of loneliness or dont want to be alone etc multiple reasons are there i cant help in such one single message
2024-02-13 23:16:21

Profile Picture Vandana Sharma | Counselling Psychologist
Hi, Not sure whether it's too late to respond to you. But, its only obvious that you would get attached after spending some time with a person. And if there came a time to separate, it could lead to unbearable pain. Indulge in talk therapy and out with all the feelings or emotion related to that relation. You may feel lot good.
2024-07-15 10:08:09