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Profile Picture Anonymous | Author
Y the mood swings every now and then
2024-02-13 22:48:46

Profile Picture Meena Mudaliyar | Counselling Psychologist
3 reason : 1 . Hormones2.current stress and situation3. May be some habit forming due to past experiences.
2024-02-13 22:59:14

Profile Picture Shiksha Jadhav | Clinical Psychologist
HelloThis stress full situation may be the root of weak resilience power, harmonal imbalance and improper schedule of you daily routine.
2024-02-14 09:53:27

Profile Picture Archana Sharma | Clinical Psychologist
There can be many reasons for Mood Swings, conflicts within your physiological and endocrine system, conflicts in relationships, conflicts in professional front, in quest of identity crisis. A detailed history taking is required for proper diagnosis. A treatment line can be suggested after that only. Archana SharmaConsultant Psychologist &Psychotherapist (RCI)
2024-02-16 12:01:59

Profile Picture Bhawana Mathpal | Counselling Psychologist
Dear one There can be many reasons for mood swings depending on what age you are, whether you are male or female, if there are any nutritional deficiencies in the body and what kind of stress your are currently experiencing in your life. A detailed evaluation can point us to the right cause or causes and accordingly right treatment/ therapy can be given. Please feel free to connect to talk more . Take care
2024-02-20 15:13:16

Profile Picture Uma | Counselling Psychologist
You need to take a professional counselors help.Find out any specific reason that triggers your mood.
2024-02-23 14:10:54

Profile Picture Anureet Lamba | Counselling Psychologist
Hi, are these mood swings happening due to certain triggers or are they random? You can take a session to explore and delve more into this issue and find the root cause for it.
2024-02-26 11:22:46

Profile Picture Asish Pratim Borah | Clinical Psychologist
Mood Swings are very common for majority of individuals. It can be due to various reasons like workplace environment, Triggers in everyday life, stress etc. The first step is is acknowledge the same and start by talking to someone and how the fluctuations can be managed.
2024-02-29 10:53:23

Profile Picture Aishwarya Dahale | Counselling Psychologist
Could you please elaborate it? Mood swings can be due to various reasons, hormonal changes can also affect it. You can book a session to further discuss this as we need more details to understand these mood swings
2024-02-29 13:28:24

Profile Picture Uma | Counselling Psychologist
What is your age?. What is your job description?
2024-03-01 10:05:29

Profile Picture Sahaja Akuthota | Counselling Psychologist
Mood swings can happen for many reasons like mental health issues, hormones, diet, sleep or lifestyle changes. Not addressing them can affect health and well-being. Strategies can help manage mood swings. Please be aware that, we as mental health professionals are here to help and support the individuals with mood swings.
2024-03-12 20:48:51

Profile Picture Dr Shalini Gupta | Counselling Psychologist
Practice breathing techniques
2024-03-24 10:25:46

Profile Picture Dr Shalini Gupta | Counselling Psychologist
For more information you can take my appointment for my sessions
2024-03-24 11:46:16

Profile Picture ASWATHI ACHUTHAN | Counselling Psychologist
To understand the underlying causes with the help of a therapist
2024-04-11 01:17:34

Profile Picture Irshad MD | Counselling Psychologist
The reason would be biological or psychological or social factors. It may take 1 or 2 sessions to identify the root cause of your mood swings.
2024-07-02 19:01:54

Profile Picture Dr Sapna Zarwal | Counselling Psychologist
There can be physical as well as mental reasons for mood swinask.Your question is unable to make me understand it's coming from a female or a male so with females it can be due to their hormonal changes as wellMod swings can be due to certain life situation.Currently you are going through and you're unable to face it or find a solution to you can consult the therapist and I can help you to find out the reason and the solution for this
2024-08-28 08:53:17