Mind Space Community Message
Profile Picture Anonymous | Author
Hello I am not able control my mind I always over thin, I used cry for every single situation and not able speak loud and clear I fear for everything
2024-08-25 13:01:02

Profile Picture Dr. Uma Maheswari S | Psychiatrist
Hi there! I can sense how overwhelming things must feel for you right now, and I want you to know that you're not alone in this. Overthinking, crying easily, and feeling fear in many situations are often signs that your mind is trying to process a lot of emotions and thoughts at once. It might help to break things down:-Acknowledge Your Emotions: It's okay to feel what you're feeling. Crying is a natural response to emotional overwhelm, and it's a way for your body to release stress.-Grounding Techniques: When your mind starts racing, try to bring your foc to the present moment. Deep breathing exercises or simple grounding techniques (like focusing on your senses what you see, hear, feel, etc.) can help reduce overthinking.- Small Steps to Build Confidence: Start with small, achievable goals that challenge your fear. - Consider Professional Help: If this is something you're struggling with constantly, it might be helpful to speak to a therapist or counselor who can guide you
2024-08-25 13:47:54

Profile Picture Dr Kavya Jagadeesh Vaggar | Psychiatrist
Please get screened by a mental health professional for any possible anxiety / depression. Get help.
2024-08-25 14:19:26

Profile Picture Dr Shalini Gupta | Counselling Psychologist
Relax, dont worry & talk to me & we will do different techniques to solve your problems
2024-08-25 18:57:35

Profile Picture Uma | Counselling Psychologist
Dear Sir, Madam, I think you need some therapy sessions, for the same. It could either be Anxiety issue or may be lack of self confidence that you are not able to speak pout and are having crying spells. Please book a video session as soon as possible so that we can help you to come put of this state
2024-08-26 15:40:19

Profile Picture Vandana Sharma | Counselling Psychologist
Hi, It sounds like you're dealing with a lot of overwhelming emotions and anxiety. It's important to remember that you're not alone and that there are ways to address these feelings.With the right support and strategies, you can work towards finding relief and improving your well-being. Lets start with what are the thoughts that come to your mind when you feel this way?
2024-08-27 10:55:08

Profile Picture Dr Sapna Zarwal | Counselling Psychologist
Overthinking Can lead To manyNegative feelings.. For this.You must consult a psychologist who can help you to label at identify your feelings which are overwhelming for youIt is also important to understand the root cause for such feelings.Happy healing
2024-08-28 08:37:29

Profile Picture Somya Verma | Counselling Psychologist
It can feel exhausting when your mind is racing, and emotions are hard to manage. Crying and not being able to express yourself clearly are signs that theres a lot going on inside. .If youre ready, we can work together on strategies to help you feel more in control of your thoughts and emotions. Feel free to book a session, and we can start figuring it out step by step.
2024-09-06 10:15:41

Profile Picture | Counselling Psychologist
I understand you're feeling overwhelmed with a few challenging emotions. It can be managed through support from professional counselling and a few psychological therapeutic techniques from Neurolinguistic Programming, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Art and Story therapy. Working with a Psychologist can help you explore your feelings and develop coping strategies. Remember, support is available, and you dont have to face this alone. Stay determined, better days are coming.
2024-09-08 15:58:36

Profile Picture Samiksha Gandhi | Counselling Psychologist
Hi, It sounds like you're struggling with overthinking, fear, and emotional overwhelm. Try to focus on small steps, like practicing mindfulness (deep breathing), challenging negative thoughts, and slowly building confidence in speaking. It's also important to talk to someone you trust or seek professional help if its affecting your daily life. You dont have to go through this aloneit can get better with support.
2024-09-12 13:51:50