Mind Space Community Message
Profile Picture NayXX KuntX | Author
Me and my Bf , Bharath , we are in relationship from past 5 years. I am a doctor and he is commercial pilot by profession . His parents are ready for marriage but mine not. i belong to strict maratha family .he is south guy... i feel like hopeless
2024-09-09 23:25:30

Profile Picture Parvathy Jairam | Counselling Psychologist
Hi Nayan! Since you guys have been in a relationship for past 5 years, you must be knowing each other quite well.I also understand that it is not an easy situation to navigate. Marriage is a life long commitment and it is important to know what you both want. Both of you should come to an understanding and then you guys and decide on future course of action. If you have any further query, feel free to book a session with us .
2024-09-10 13:43:37

Profile Picture Archana Sharma | Clinical Psychologist
A mutual commitment is required to survive the relationship. Sometimes we are committed but our personality type stops us to take decision for us. A thorough psychological assessment and guided counseling would definitely help you.
2024-09-11 13:29:21

Profile Picture Samiksha Gandhi | Counselling Psychologist
Hi Nayan, Its understandable to feel hopeless when your family isnt supportive of your relationship. Try having an open conversation with your parents, be patient as they adjust, and seek support from someone you trust. With time and understanding, things may improve.
2024-09-12 13:57:52

Profile Picture Somya Verma | Counselling Psychologist
It's understandable that you're feeling hopeless. Balancing family expectations and your relationship can be overwhelming, especially when cultural differences are involved. You've built a strong bond with Bharath over five years, and it's important to acknowledge that.Consider having an honest, empathetic conversation with your family. Share your feelings and commitment to Bharath, while also understanding their concerns. Sometimes, fear of the unknown fuels resistance, but time and communication can help bridge that gap.If you need further support, feel free to book a session to discuss this in more detail.
2024-09-14 07:55:35

Profile Picture Uma | Counselling Psychologist
Dr. Nayan, you can book an video session with us and the n we can discuss the issues and come to some conclusion
2024-09-17 18:15:54