I just had a fight with my partner and it didn't go well. We were talking about a movie for almost an hour and later I was told it was recommended to him by his ex and he told me from her perspective as to why she told him to watch it. I got a bit affected because I was going to watch this movie because he told me but after listening that he is watching and remembering her affected me. Later he said he knows what goes on in my mind and he can read my thoughts but he couldn't read this thought, so I said you can't read my thoughts. Then I told him that sometimes we have to think before telling something to our partner. I am his friend but I'm a partner as well. He said he was just sharing and he doesn't miss his ex so I said I know that but it can still affect me. I can't watch that movie now without picturing them in it. He pulled my hoodies lace to pull me closer but I said I needed my space so he threw the lace on my face and then I threw it back. And then he got angry and left and now things have ended bet
2025-02-17 22:00:31

I feel your partner was being honest with you. Basic ingredient of any relationship is trust and truthfulness. It seems you are unable to trust your partner. At the same time he was trying to be truthful to you. It would be good if you book a session to understand the intensity of your relation. Sometimes it's our perception that increase or decrease the conflict. I see that the issue you have mentioned here is minor and you must work on yourself else you might end up being paranoid.
2025-02-18 15:01:07

Just calm yourself for a second and have a open communication with your partner we will connect and discuss the issue detail
2025-02-19 15:11:45

In married life, there can be so many aspects that we get more sensitive about even though it may not be of that gravity. This was one such incident. Dont worry the minute you relax and dont feel its that important, even he will relax.We can meet for Couple/Relationship Therapy for deeper insights into such sparks between partner and how to handle it throughout. Take care
2025-02-20 09:40:01

Hi Sir, Its quite obvious that we come across with such type of people but its always important as to what you feel and how you want to look at that issue, it will be better if we connect on a video call and then discuss about it. its all on your personality types as how you perceive any thing ... take care
2025-02-22 15:15:32