Clinical Psychologist Poulomi Bhattacharjee

Clinical Psychologist Poulomi Bhattacharjee

Poulomi Bhattacharjee
Clinical Psychologist
Profile Not Active
Available Time Slots
09:00 PM (Monday)
09:00 PM (Monday)
09:00 PM (Monday)
09:00 PM (Friday)
09:00 PM (Friday)
09:00 PM (Friday)
Click to see all slots
Language(s): English, Hindi
Education: M.Phil Clinical Psychology(R.C.I), Clinical Psychology, 2020 | Post Graduation, Banaras Hindu University ( B.H.U), Applied Psychology, 2017
RCI Registration: A73920
Expert In: Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Relationship, Single Parent, Bullying, Work Stress, Motivation, Self Esteem, Health Issues, Just Talk, Puberty, Addiction, Society Pressure, Sexual Abuse, Parenting, Bereavement
About Me: I am trained in conducting psychodiagnostic assessments and providing people with psychotherapy. I have an experience of working with people with all the age groups. My main goal is to help those people who are having mental health issues. I deal with people in an ethical and empathetic manner.

Benefits you get from sessions:

Increased self-awareness

Improved coping skills

Increased emotional regulation

Improved relationships

Problem-solving skills

Increased self-esteem

Improved mental and physical health

Read this article to understand about therapy sessions and how they work.

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